Hey Preslie Podcast

#56: Utilizing Fitness and Mindfulness to Support Sobriety and Recovery with Hayley Avino and Courtney Routson

Season 2 Episode 56

The D.R.E.A.M.E.R Project, which stands for Defying Relapse (through) Exercise And Mindfulness (to) Extend Recovery (@thedreamer_project_) founded by Hayley Avino and Courtney Routson is an Arizona State University doctoral project. 

In this conversation we discuss:

  • Hayley's personal reasons for wanting to lead this mission
  • How CrossFit transforms lives for those going through recovery
  • The importance of mindfulness and social connection when overcoming an addiction 
  • and more!

I would love to hear what you think of this episode — let me know on Instagram @heypreslie. Enjoy!

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Note that CrossFit is a registered trademark of CrossFit, LLC.

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