Hey Preslie Podcast
Join Preslie Hirsch for bi-weekly inspiring conversations on a variety of topics to enhance your human experience. With an emphasis on practical tips and strategies, this podcast will help you optimize your quality of life through health, community, mindfulness, and more. Welcome, friends!
Hey Preslie Podcast
#56: Utilizing Fitness and Mindfulness to Support Sobriety and Recovery with Hayley Avino and Courtney Routson
Season 2
Episode 56
The D.R.E.A.M.E.R Project, which stands for Defying Relapse (through) Exercise And Mindfulness (to) Extend Recovery (@thedreamer_project_) founded by Hayley Avino and Courtney Routson is an Arizona State University doctoral project.
In this conversation we discuss:
- Hayley's personal reasons for wanting to lead this mission
- How CrossFit transforms lives for those going through recovery
- The importance of mindfulness and social connection when overcoming an addiction
- and more!
I would love to hear what you think of this episode — let me know on Instagram @heypreslie. Enjoy!
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- The D.R.E.A.M.E.R Project blog by Hayley Avino
- Temperance Training Foundation
- Recovery through Repetition
- FTX Wellness website
- Street Parking (online fitness program)
- The Hope House in Scottsdale, AZ
- Barbell Saves Project in Phoenix, AZ
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Note that CrossFit is a registered trademark of CrossFit, LLC.